Cambridge IGCSE/O Level Computer Science (2210/0478)

Why take Computer Science at IGCSE (O Levels)?

Computer Science is a popular and interesting subject which eventually helps students branch off into various disciplines in engineering.

The IGCSE (O Level) Computer Science course helps set the foundation that students need at an early stage. It helps them decide which stream of higher studies they should take. Unlike many 'courses' pursued by several students, this examination moulds them to a standard required to simplify their academic journey.

Who is it for?

If you are looking at a career in a technical subject such as software engineering, computer science, electronics, mechanics, robotics, etc., Computer Science is for you.

It also gives you a good foundation in understanding the core concepts that you'll appreciate even if you're not going to pursue a technical career.

If you are intending to continue into Advanced Level Computer Science, the IGCSE/O Level examination is believed to give you a solid foundation.

What is covered

The complete programme is based on the Cambridge IGCSE/GCE O Level (2210, 0478, 0984) syllabus. Please note that all Cambridge IGCSE and GCE O Level Computer Science syllabuses are 100% identical to each other.

The examination comprises 2 written papers. While paper 1 is based on theory, paper 2 includes programming and logic.


Registration involves two steps - interview (either face-to-face or remote (Eg: phone, WhatsApp, Skype) and online registration.


May/June 2025 exam: 02 July 2024

Class schedule

Practicals Sundays, 7:30AM to 9:00AM Colombo (UTC+05:30)
Theory Tuesdays, 4:30PM to 6:00PM Colombo (UTC+05:30)

May/June 2026 exam: 01 September 2024

Class schedule

Practicals Sundays, 2:00PM to 3:30PM Colombo (UTC+05:30)
Theory Thursdays, 2:30PM to 4:00PM Colombo (UTC+05:30)

Fee structure

  Payments in Sri Lanka International payments
Registration ⋙ LKR 5,000 USD 40
Monthly fee ⋙ LKR 9,000 USD 50

Whom to contact

The teacher conducting the entire course is Mr. Khalid and you may contact him on +94.7111.824.34 for any clarification.

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